MaryLand Blockchain Association

EVENT: Maryland Blockchain Association Virtual Networking Event

Join the conversation that is impacting your clients.

Access resources and grow your blockchain practice with support from the worlds leading professionals and services providers.  Gain practical knowledge from our growing list of resources and cases.

Benefits From Membership:

1. Complimentary Access to a Centralized Library of Decentralized Resources

2. A Featured Article in the Maryland Blockchain Newsletter

3. Access to Invite Only Educational Webinars & Events

4. Discounts to National Conferences

5. Exclusive Interview on Blockchain Legal Institute Talk Show (Business Only)

for international exposure

6. Input on Talking Points To Be Shared With General Assembly 

7. Speaking Opportunities At Association Organized Events

8. Invite to Private Meet-ups

9. Sponsorship Opportunities To Gain Additional Recognition

10. Ability To Market Products & Services Through The Association’s Directory

11. Gain Access To Research Conducted By The Maryland Blockchain Association

12. Access To Business Consulting on Blockchain Development Opportunities

13. Tax Updates


Annual Membership Details

Annual Memberships

Per 1 Year (Special Charter Year Rates)

Businesses $850 (Discounted $750)

Associations $850 (Discounted $750)

Non Profit/NGO $700 (Discounted $500) 

DAO $75 (Discounted $50)

Per 1 Year (Special Charter Year Rates):

Student Level: $49 (Discounted $25)

Individual Level: $99 (Discounted $50)

College Club Level: $149 (Discounted $50)

Scholarship Level: Contact Association

  • Payment Details

Prestige Founding Members


Elite Founding Members


Founding Charter Members









Early Bird






As we move further into the era of globalization, forging ties with your global blockchain Web3 community will become a crucial step in staying relevant and successful.