MaryLand Blockchain Association

Supporting Maryland As A Global Leader

In Bitcoin, Blockchain, Web3 & Emergent Technologies

About Us


The Maryland Blockchain Association is a nonprofit organization  dedicated to ensuring the State of Maryland continues to be the leader in the Bitcoin, Blockchain, Web3, and emergent technology space. We work with industry leaders, business leaders, technologists, connecting our team of experts to policy makers to ensure Maryland is a national and global champion in pro-business and pro-technology policies that encourage effective innovation. 

"We wanted a system where document timestamps could not be tampered with."

W. Scott Stornetta--

One of the Founding Figures of Blockchain Technology.

Key Objectives

Advocacy and Policy Engagement

Engage with state lawmakers, regulatory bodies, and industry stakeholders to advocate for blockchain-friendly policies and regulations. The MBA aims to be a leading voice in shaping the legislative landscape to support blockchain innovation, data privacy, and digital asset management within the state.

Education and Training

Offer workshops, seminars, and courses to educate businesses, government entities, legal professionals, and the general public about blockchain technology and its potential applications. The association seeks to demystify blockchain technology and encourage its adoption across various sectors.

Networking and Community Building

Create a vibrant community of blockchain enthusiasts, developers, entrepreneurs, investors, and scholars. The MBA plans to host regular meetups, conferences, and hackathons to foster collaboration and exchange of ideas within the blockchain space.

Innovation and Start-up Support

Provide support and resources to blockchain start-ups and entrepreneurs, including access to mentorship, funding opportunities, and networking events. The association aims to create an ecosystem that nurtures innovation and accelerates the growth of blockchain ventures.

Research and Development

Collaborate with academic institutions, industry partners, and government agencies to conduct research on blockchain technology, its use cases, and its impact on society. The MBA intends to contribute to the global body of knowledge on blockchain and encourage the development of cutting-edge solutions.

International Collaboration

Establish partnerships with blockchain associations and organizations worldwide to share knowledge, best practices, and foster cross-border blockchain initiatives. The MBA recognizes the global nature of blockchain technology and seeks to position Maryland as an international leader in the field.

Join Our Community

Maryland Blockchain Association Members Are Passionate About Change, and enthusiastic about technology.

The Maryland Blockchain Association’s Goal is to:


Business Development:

Pair you with like minded businesses and individuals to help our members grow, network, and ensure Maryland is a hub for technological development.


Regulatory Oversight: 

Direct contact with regulators and government officials to help technology prosper with no red tape.


Government Integration: 

Join existing programs or create your own pilot programs with other members through various committees.



Participate in small strategic masterminds to advance your business and the industry


Maryland Blockchain Association SUpporters

Our corporate sponsors and/or supporters are one of the most important components of the success of the Maryland Blockchain Association. By bringing together great companies whose founders have passion for technological innovation and sound policy, we’re able to move faster and advocate for change that makes sense for companies, markets, local & state governments and innovators.

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